Building the life you love,
starts with loving the person you are.
And believing you have the unique potential
to make anything possible.
For decades I’d been struggling. I had a catastrophic low self-belief. Shame, guilt, fear and sadness were monsters that followed me everywhere. Busy with everything and everybody but myself.
Eventually, I got so overwhelmed by work and the high speed of the world that I mentally and physically broke. I got burned out. My second time in ten years.
I needed a new way of living. So I started building a bridge to the other side. Leaving behind my low self-esteem, self-defeating thoughts and constantly feeling stressed out. Collecting superpowers along the way, like Positivity, Vulnerability, Creativity, Courage, Knowledge and Perseverance.
I’ve learned how to stop stress and to trust and love myself. And be congruent. Speaking the words I feel. Feeling the words I speak. And that’s gonna help me for the rest of my life.
It’s all about the choice between ‘always wanting to be right’ and ‘creating your own happiness’.
And I just love helpful words. So I write about life’s lessons and how to get unstuck. Just as much for you as for me. It helps me deepen my understanding of being human.
It can be contagious! Give yourself permission to light your fire! We’re all longing for your warmth and inspiration.
I hope I can inspire and help you make small and big changes in your own life’s journey. Sharing how to overcome setbacks, help you understand your own sensitivity, and even suggest tools that have helped me clear my mind and change my pattern of life.
You are wonderful and you know it.
You can start embracing it.