Can’t see the beginning and end of your troubles? Thinking this is how it’s going to be forever. Learn to change ‘Forever’ into ‘Sometimes’. And even into ‘Rarely’ by replacing your unhelpful thoughts to helpful ones.
Having Low Self Esteem – Recognize Your Unhelpful Pattern and Change Your Ways!
Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think? Thinking you are not worth anyones attention, but still convinced the whole world is constantly watching you. Oh irony! Yet we’re all busy positioning ourselves in the world. It’s hard to find a calm spot in this urban jungle! Following everyone else’s direction but your own. Having low self-esteem, you just can’t help yourself, or can you?
You’re Just A Spark Of Light Aren’t You?
Yes! You are a spark of light! I have no doubt at all about your sprinkling sparkliness. Is it something you can believe in?
How To Control The Wicked Mastermind Behind Your Low Self-worth
Thinking you’re not nervous for that job interview? Or that you are? You felt either powerful or powerless, right? Such forceful stuff. Hook up with the best coach ever to help you boost your self-worth.
Working On Someone Else’s Dream Is Not Always Serving You – 5 Steps To Discover and Pursue Your Own Dream
Only listening to others might have you sacrificing the things that matter most in your life. What will happen when you start listening to yourself? 5 steps to find and pursue your own dream..
Learn to Free Yourself From Daily Stress – With the One Superpower Everyone Owns!
Telling yourself you’re not good enough. And longing with all your heart to free yourself from this daily stress. But it just doesn’t happen. Until…